Thursday, December 16, 2010


Yes, ladies and gentleman, we have an OVER-ACHIEVER on our hands... Why you might ask?? Well, my tiny little guy has his first tooth ALREADY!!! Can you believe it?? At 4.5 months, Cole has already cut his first tooth.. I personally cannot believe it.. I though babies do not do this until atleast 6 months, if not later... Ohh.. And what fun it has been!!! Atleast now we know why he is not sleeping through the night.. I have been trying my hardest to get a smile where the tooth is visible, but have yet to be successful.. I shall keep trying!!

On another note.. Tomorrow is Hubs' BIG day!! He receives his wings!!! Thats right, he will officially be a rated, Air Force Pilot!!! Yay!!! :) And look at what a friend of ours dad made for Cole:

Its a polo with his name and Air Force and rank on it.. It soo cute!! :)

And just a few more of Little Cole for fun!! :)

Sitting up all by himself!

First time out of him infant tub.. Loving the water!!

Reading books in his high chair...

Helping daddy text.. Learning early!! :)

Hope everyone is ready for the holidays!!! We're moving on Monday!! Yay!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shots are no fun...

I know I have been a little distant lately.. We have been very busy!!! We had birthdays, trips to Dallas for Thanksgiving and one little boy who does not like to sleep!! And on top of that Cole had the second part of his 4 month shots yesterday... And today, he is not feeling very well.. Poor baby.. He has a temperature and his a little fussy... So I will be spending my day taking care of my little guy.. And try to get the house clean and start packing to move home!! Yippeee!!!

My mom got Hubs and I a new camera for our birthdays!! I was so excited when she surprised us with it!! I had just been saying over Thanksgiving that I wanted one.. So I am trying to learn how to use it!! :)

Here are a few pictures from the new camera...

Finally caught a smile from Cole! :)

Had to get one with my guys!

Look at what he learned to do!!! 4 months and already sitting by himself!! He is growing up too fast!!

I promise to update again soon.. Its going to be a busy next few weeks!! Hubs is graduating from the UPT program and going to officially get his Wings from the Air Force!!! One step closer to his dream!! And before then though, we will be moving out of our house (hopefully)!! Then right after graduation we'll be saying BYE BYE to Middle of Nowhere, Tx and HELLO HOME!!! Just in time for CHRISTMAS!!! Hard to believe!! :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Funny how things change in JUST 1 year....

One year ago today we were just settling into out home in the Middle of Nowhere, Tx.. Hubs was getting ready to start one of the toughest years of his life, Pilot Training for the Air Force... And one year ago today, I had this feeling that our life was about to change.. It was the day we found out we were getting one of the BIGGEST surprises and blessing in the world.. Our little boy!! The picture that started it all:

Today, Hubs is officially UPT complete, meaning he is done academically and with all flights in pilot training.. IE.. He gets his "wings" soon!!! We are also getting ready to pack up our house and move back to Georgia!! And our little man is growing like a weed!!

Even with all the sleepless nights, and fussy moments, I would not trade anything in the world for this little smile!! :)

Yes, it was even before Thanksgiving when we found out.. We just waited about a month to tell everyone when we went home for Christmas!! :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and is ready for Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Busy boy..

Not too much to update everyone on.. But we have been very busy around here.. Cole and mommy just spend our days playing and learning new things... Some days are good and we play all day, and some days he just wants to be held.. But those days are good for me because I get to cuddle with my little guy!!

He still is not sleeping through the night, so we decided to try rice cereal for the first time... Here was his reaction...

So we have not tried again yet.. And it didn't help him sleep any better... So, I decided I would wait a little while longer... Maybe even try oatmeal next time..

On Saturdays, we LOVE to watch College Football!! And that means Cole too! We figured out that on Saturdays when the TV is on, he is more interested in watching the TV than playing with us.. So we tried him in his bumbo seat and see what he would do.. This was it:

He's definitely going to be a sports fan!!

This is just a cute picture I wanted to share... Cole didn't know what to think about having something on his head...
He is getting soo big!! Here he is in his Lamb seat.. This thing used to put him right to sleep! Now, he just stands on it...
Last night, I got Cole all dressed up and took him with me to one of the wives socials with a friend.. Wanted to give daddy some quiet time to study!! He looked like a little man!! He was definitely a hit at the social!

Like I said, not much going on here.. Hubs is almost done with training.. I am soo excited for him!! One step closer to his dreams! We have Cole's 4 month appointment on Monday and more shots.. Definitely dreading it!! But I will be sure to update everyone on how big this little guy is getting!!

So excited for next week.. Birthdays, Thanksgiving and we are headed to Dallas!! Yay!!

The next month has so much going on!! Once we get back from Dallas, we have a bunch of stuff going on for Hubs' graduation and then the big move back home!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Has it really been a year??

So, this past weekend Hubs and I got into a conversation with a couple of our friends and realized it has been a year since we moved to Middle of Nowhere, Tx!!! Can you believe it??? It really is hard for me to believe... I feel like we have been here for a while, but not THAT long... Wow, how time flies and things change....

Us then.... Young married, in love and moving away from everything we knew...

The morning we left to head to Texas!!

Celebrating Hubs's birthday and beginning his dream, finally!!

Thanksgiving in Dallas 2009!

And us now, 1 year later... A family of 3, and enjoying life... :)

Adjusting to life as a family of 3... Just a few weeks after the little guy was born!

Look at what daddy does for a living! :)

Cole's first Halloween!

Crazy how fast things change!! But I would not change a moment of my life!! Things are beginning to wind down here in Middle of Nowhere, Tx!!! We only have about a month and a half left here!! Basically we'll be home be Christmas!!! Not sure yet how long Hubs will be home after that.. But we are going to enjoy every moment with Daddy! :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fun filled weekend!

Just wanted to share a few pictures from this past weekend!

We spent Saturday doing what we love most, watching Auburn Football!! It was a great game!! Although for some reason, Oregon jumped us and we are now Number 2! But that's ok!!

Sunday we lounged around during the day.. Then we dressed Cole up as a pumpkin and helped pass out candy with some of our friends! We had a good time!! I was soo excited to see all the cute costumes! I cannot wait to take Cole trick or treating when he is old enough!

Look what Cole learned to do on his bouncy seat... :) He can make it bounce by himself, he gets soo excited!! :)

Ready to watch Auburn!

Fall Family picture.. Cole was not very interested!

Trying to get a picture of our little pumpkin and some pumpkins... Again, not interested!

Having a staring contest with our friend's dog, Bentley!

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Months are flying by!

I can't believe it's already been 3 months since I gave birth to this amazing little guy. I fall more & more in love with him every single day. Here are some of his accomplishments so far:

  • (Was) Sleeping from 9:30pm-5ish most of the time. Lately he has been dealing with some gas issues and has been waking up for a 2 or 3am feeding...
  • He is awake for most of the day. He will take an hour nap in the morning about an hour & a half after he wakes up & then a 2-3 hour afternoon nap in the afternoon.
  • He coos ALL THE TIME. I love listening to him talk and make noises..
  • He socially smiles all the time! Its funny when you are trying to get him to smile, and you finally make eye contact with him and he realizes its like "Ohh Hey.. :) "
  • He loves to play on his play mat and shake all the toys on it.
  • He can hold his head up 90 degrees while laying on his tummy.
  • He is rolling over from his stomach to his back..
  • He is in 0-3 month clothes.. 3 month outfits are a little big on him still, but he is slowly growing into them.
  • He weighs between 11-12 lbs now.
  • He can "stand" when you hold him by his armpits.
  • He is very alert and loves to look at everything when we are out and about.
Our little man is growing up so fast... I'm trying to enjoy every minute of staying home with him & watching him grow up. He will not be little forever.

Just a few pictures of our handsome little guy:

Not too happy that mommy woke him up...

Standard mid-smile face I get.. He is taking after his daddy when it comes to pictures, ie: He doesn't like them too much.. He just gives me this blank stare!

My little old man.. He has two lines of hair.. Its kind of funny!

Ready to watch Auburn Football! :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dreaded growth spurt..

Dear 12-week growth spurt...

Yes, growing is an important thing in life... Although I would like Cole to stay little and cuddly forever.. But why must you be soo demanding? My little guy and I were getting along just fine without you. We were just beginning to spread out his 2 hour feedings during the day... He was sleeping, what most people would consider "through" the night, 930-530ish.. Now, he is waking at least once during that time, sometimes even twice.. And don't get me started about the fussiness that you have been causing.. So, please pack your bags and move on to the next baby that is approaching 12 weeks.. You are no longer welcome here! Please give me my happy, sleeping baby back! :)

Yours truly,
Cole's mommy :)

Here are a few recent pictures of my little guy... I cannot believe he is almost 3 months!

He couldn't decide if he wanted to hold the rings or suck on his hands, so he did both!

Checking out airplanes with daddy... His expression: "What mom, I'm busy!"

Again with the fingers... My issue with the fingers, he now gangs himself because he has learned to put the fingers in his mouth... Err!! But look at those shoes!!! :)

Trying to help daddy hold his bottle.. He does this every time he gets a bottle.. He wants to do it himself soo bad!!

I love my little family! :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yea, yea, yea.... :)

I know, its been a while!! But for very good reason!! I've been away from home for a week!! After I last posted, Cole and I took a little surprise trip!! :) Before I get into that, we had Cole's 2 month appointment... Boy was I surprised!! I was convinced that he was about 12 to 13 lbs.. Uhhh nope.. My little guy is long and lean!! He was 23 inches long and 10lbs 9 oz! Boy was I off on his weight.. Guess it just shows how strong I am!! I thought he was a lot more!! Doctor was not too worried about the weight, says he is on the growth curve.. Guess there is nothing wrong with a lean baby.. He is eating when he wants (every 2 hours!) and seems to be getting enough nutrition! He is a happy and healthy little guy!! He is smiling sooo much now!! It is soo cute!!

We are dealing with a little bit of a problem though.. Cole is opposite of most babies when it comes to the car seat and riding in the car... He absolutely hates it!! Every time we put him in the car seat he begins to cry.. No, not a whimper.. a FULL out, red faced cry with gasping for breathes and all!! Its heartbreaking!! I have tried just about everything to make this child happy.. Feed him, burp him, change him, play with him in the car, hang toys, put mirrors in front of him.. Nothing seems to work.. Pray that we can find the reason for this... We cannot stay home forever and I cannot bare to hear my little guy cry!! Hopefully he will "grow" out of it soon!! Any suggestions on what to do??

On to the trip.. My little sister was turning 4 at the beginning of October.. Ever since Cole was born, she has been telling anyone that would listen that her sister and Baby Cole would be at her birthday party, which was on October 2nd. Where she got that idea, not sure, but I decided it would be good to surprise her!! So that is what I did.. It was soo much fun to surprise her! And she was speechless! My mom did not even know I was coming.. We had such a great time! It was so fun seeing everyone's expressions when they saw me and the baby!! I cannot wait until December when we'll be headed home for good!!

Here are some recent pictures:

Looking all fly.. :) This is a funny pose!

He is getting soo strong!!

My little sister and my baby boy.. She loves him soo much!
His favorite spot! :) Definitely a mama's boy!

Guess he got tired of his paci falling out.. So he decided to hold it in himself! :)

Nothing else new here.. Reid has a major check ride tomorrow.. Pray that he does amazing!! He has been studying soo hard for it!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!! :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Why am I surprised?? Because my little guy is so STRONG and BRAVE!!! Or maybe he has a high tolerance for pain? Well, I took him last week for part of his shots.. He received 1 shot and the oral vaccine. He fussed for about 30 seconds when he got the shot and then I gave him a bottle.. He seemed fine the rest of the day, just a few fussy moments... Well, we had to go back today for the rest... Hubs has night week this week, so he was home to go with us!! Made me happy because I wanted him to be there and see what his little guy has to go through... What do you know... this little guy barely made a peep! He got two shots today, and made a sad, boo boo lip and red face.. But never made a peep! Within 5 seconds, he was right back to normal.. I chalked it up to Cole wanting to be brave and show his daddy what a big boy he is!! I was soo proud!! Now, lets just hope he does not spike a fever or seem too uncomfortable...

Here are a few pictures from the last week!! Cole is changing soo much!! He loved to smile!! And I am pretty sure I heard him laugh for the first time!! Of course, I am trying to get him to do it again all the time!! I don't want that first one to be just a fluke!!

We took Cole out Friday to the "Drop." Its a big deal once a month because the graduating class finds out what they will be flying.. Its a lot of fun! Cole did not like it at first because he was really sleepy.. He is in that "fight sleep" stage! But I finally got him to sleep at the very end.. So mommy missed most of it!! We hung out for a bit afterwards to socialize and act like normal people! It was fun because Cole woke up and was in a good mood!! Just cheesed and melted everyone's heart!! And I actually got told that he is starting to look like me!! Haha! TAKE THAT Hubs!! :) But Honestly, I still think he is a spitting image of his daddy!! You make the call:

Apparently he does not like taking pictures with mommy... Maybe that is why we do not have that many!

He definitely is "Daddy's little wingman!!" :)

We have discovered that when Cole is content and happy, he does the following with his left arm:

Rockin' the Auburn gear!! :)

Its pretty funny!! He loves to bring his left arm up to the side of his head and almost brush his hair with his fingers.. Its pretty cute!!

Well that is it for now... Gotta get a few things taken care of while the little guy sleeps!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!! :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Approaching 2 months...

Do you know what that means??? ***cringes*** Shots.... :( Yes, thats rights its shots time.. And this mommy is NOT looking forward to them! I have decided that I am going to split them up... I did a little research about the whole Autism thing... Yes, I agree with all that.. But honestly, I am splitting up my son's shots because I do not want to subject him to all those vaccines all at once, and his daddy asked me to.. :) I know I have to be "bad mommy" twice as much.. But I think I would feel a little bit better.. I just need to be BRAVE... I really don't like seeing my little guy cry.. I mean look at this face:

My sweet baby boy is growing up! :) Haha!! I sound like a sappy mommy! :)

In other news with Cole... He passed his hearing test!! And he had an ultrasound done on his hips to make sure they were in place.. So far, everything looks good!! Yay!! :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Horrible Blogger

But I have an excuse... A high maintenance 7 week old! He's been soo clingy lately.. I think he has been going through a growth spurt!! He is getting SOO big already!! See for yourself:

Learning to play on his play mat.. (How cute are the pants??)

Managing to catch him mid-smile...

How we get ready for the bath when daddy's not home... :) (I only have 2 hands!!)
My little ham! :)

Hubs called me back to the room and this is what I found... Like father, like son.. :)

Guess he didn't want me to put him down.. (Pay attention to his hand entangled in my hair... )

I am getting better at taking pictures, promise!!

On a HAPPY note, this little guy is starting to sleep a lot better!! Hes been sleeping 5 hours straight!! Thats good for us!!! :)

Happy Wednesday!! :)