Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Busy boy..

Not too much to update everyone on.. But we have been very busy around here.. Cole and mommy just spend our days playing and learning new things... Some days are good and we play all day, and some days he just wants to be held.. But those days are good for me because I get to cuddle with my little guy!!

He still is not sleeping through the night, so we decided to try rice cereal for the first time... Here was his reaction...

So we have not tried again yet.. And it didn't help him sleep any better... So, I decided I would wait a little while longer... Maybe even try oatmeal next time..

On Saturdays, we LOVE to watch College Football!! And that means Cole too! We figured out that on Saturdays when the TV is on, he is more interested in watching the TV than playing with us.. So we tried him in his bumbo seat and see what he would do.. This was it:

He's definitely going to be a sports fan!!

This is just a cute picture I wanted to share... Cole didn't know what to think about having something on his head...
He is getting soo big!! Here he is in his Lamb seat.. This thing used to put him right to sleep! Now, he just stands on it...
Last night, I got Cole all dressed up and took him with me to one of the wives socials with a friend.. Wanted to give daddy some quiet time to study!! He looked like a little man!! He was definitely a hit at the social!

Like I said, not much going on here.. Hubs is almost done with training.. I am soo excited for him!! One step closer to his dreams! We have Cole's 4 month appointment on Monday and more shots.. Definitely dreading it!! But I will be sure to update everyone on how big this little guy is getting!!

So excited for next week.. Birthdays, Thanksgiving and we are headed to Dallas!! Yay!!

The next month has so much going on!! Once we get back from Dallas, we have a bunch of stuff going on for Hubs' graduation and then the big move back home!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!

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