Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dreaded growth spurt..

Dear 12-week growth spurt...

Yes, growing is an important thing in life... Although I would like Cole to stay little and cuddly forever.. But why must you be soo demanding? My little guy and I were getting along just fine without you. We were just beginning to spread out his 2 hour feedings during the day... He was sleeping, what most people would consider "through" the night, 930-530ish.. Now, he is waking at least once during that time, sometimes even twice.. And don't get me started about the fussiness that you have been causing.. So, please pack your bags and move on to the next baby that is approaching 12 weeks.. You are no longer welcome here! Please give me my happy, sleeping baby back! :)

Yours truly,
Cole's mommy :)

Here are a few recent pictures of my little guy... I cannot believe he is almost 3 months!

He couldn't decide if he wanted to hold the rings or suck on his hands, so he did both!

Checking out airplanes with daddy... His expression: "What mom, I'm busy!"

Again with the fingers... My issue with the fingers, he now gangs himself because he has learned to put the fingers in his mouth... Err!! But look at those shoes!!! :)

Trying to help daddy hold his bottle.. He does this every time he gets a bottle.. He wants to do it himself soo bad!!

I love my little family! :)

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