Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shots are no fun...

I know I have been a little distant lately.. We have been very busy!!! We had birthdays, trips to Dallas for Thanksgiving and one little boy who does not like to sleep!! And on top of that Cole had the second part of his 4 month shots yesterday... And today, he is not feeling very well.. Poor baby.. He has a temperature and his a little fussy... So I will be spending my day taking care of my little guy.. And try to get the house clean and start packing to move home!! Yippeee!!!

My mom got Hubs and I a new camera for our birthdays!! I was so excited when she surprised us with it!! I had just been saying over Thanksgiving that I wanted one.. So I am trying to learn how to use it!! :)

Here are a few pictures from the new camera...

Finally caught a smile from Cole! :)

Had to get one with my guys!

Look at what he learned to do!!! 4 months and already sitting by himself!! He is growing up too fast!!

I promise to update again soon.. Its going to be a busy next few weeks!! Hubs is graduating from the UPT program and going to officially get his Wings from the Air Force!!! One step closer to his dream!! And before then though, we will be moving out of our house (hopefully)!! Then right after graduation we'll be saying BYE BYE to Middle of Nowhere, Tx and HELLO HOME!!! Just in time for CHRISTMAS!!! Hard to believe!! :)


  1. LOVE the new camera pics!!

    Home as in Georgia? :)

  2. Yes ma'am!! We'll be back while Hubs goes to training from Jan - June!! :)
