Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wait.. I can sleep in today??

Yes, today is my "first official" day of no more work!! If you have kept up from the beginning, you know that when we moved to the Middle of Nowhere, Tx I had started working at the base... Which was fun while it lasted, but now I am officially done with those "orders." They were only for 6 months, which was nice and kept me busy.. I wouldn't say the last 6 months flew by, but working definitely made it go by a lot quicker.. But now, I am back to being a "military spouse." I guess, come any day now, you can call me a "Stay at Home Mom...?" Hahah!! Never really thought I would get to do that!! :) But it may only be until we leave in December, so I will enjoy it while it lasts!! :)

So, I finally have made some progress on Cole's nursery!! Ok, its pretty much done, but I always feel like there are things that need to be done in there.. Bare with me.. The room is very basic, since we will be moving again come December. Once we move, I plan on painting and dazzeling it up!! And we wont have a bed in the room too!! So here are some pictures:

Looking at his crib.. I painted the letters!! Only took me forever to figure out how I wanted them to look!!

This is looking in from the door. Where you see the blankets hanging, I plan on putting a shelf there that has pegs on it.. Waiting

The dresser/changing table!

I tried to be a little creative and use cards and paper that friends have given us to doll up the collage picture frame, until I have some pictures to put in there!!

So that is it for now... I will have plently more once I finish a few more things.. I have a 9x9 boxed book self in there too, it sits below the collage.. Right now it looks cluttered, so I did not want to show that! I am waiting on boxes from my mom that have little storage boxes to go in the cubbies.. Then I will feel better about showing it off! :)

Ohh.. and today we hit 38 weeks!! Yay!!! It really is still hard to believe that pretty much any day now, this little guy could be here!!! I am soo excited!! I hope he comes sooner, rather than later!! But I know it will be on his time! :) And I finally went to pre-register at the hospital today!! So hopefully that process will be a little less painful when the time comes.. We'll see!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!! Ours was very low key.. We had planned on going to watch fireworks, but the ended up getting canceled due to the potential of a flash flood.. It did not even rain!! Booo!!!

Until next time!! :)

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