Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just truckin' along!!

So here we are, 18 weeks... At this point there is not too much new to report... We know what Peanut will be... We know that my bump is continuing to grow... And so on...

One new thing, I decided to not get rid of my belly button ring.. After my previous post about taking it out, a friend of mine texted me and told me about a new invention.. Tattoo parlors have come up with a maternity belly button ring!! Basically its a flexible piece of long plastic... That way, as your tummy expands, that little piece of skin between the the two ends doesn't stretch.. Hopefully!! But I have ordered one, and I am eagerly anticipating its arrival so I can change mine out!! I will update you all on that later on!! And Maybe with pictures... We'll see!

And one more new thing... I am pretty sure I felt our little Peanut last night!! OMG!!! So I had just got into bed and was watching a little TV.. At this point in the pregnancy, when I am laying down, I always have my hand on my tummy to see if I can feel anything.. All of a sudden, I felt my tummy (right under my belly button) get really tight.. And underneath the skin, it was almost like something was rubbing against my stomach.. So for about 5 seconds, this went on.. And then all of a sudden my skin when back to normal... So I am pretty sure Peanut was changing positions and I got to feel him!!! I was freaking out!! I just wish Hubs would have been able to feel him!!! Soon, hopefully!!! :)

Anyways!!! On to the weekly stuff!!

* How far along?: 18 weeks
* Total weight gain: 5lbs!
* How big is baby?: About the size of a sweet potato.
* Sex: As of now, a boy!! We'll confirm on March 8th!
* Maternity clothes?: Yes, pants atleast!
* Stretch marks?: Nope, trying to avoid these and keep myself lathered up!
* Sleep?: Peanut likes to use my bladdar as a trampoline right now.. Uhh!! Not even half way a long yet!! I know it will only get worse!
* Best moment this week?: Potentially feeling Peanut for the first time!
* Movement?: Definitely have the bubbles inside.. Possibly onces from the outside!
* Food cravings?: Hot wings!!!
* Labor signs?: They can stay away for a while!!
* Belly button in or out?: Inny!
* What I miss: Being able to shop for cute clothes!
* What I'm looking forward to: Really feeling Peanut more and more!
* Milestone: Feeling movements!! Looking for nursery stuff! :)

Here is a picture from Valentines day!! :) Definitely a bump!! :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!!! Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for the next few months!! :)

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