Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holiday Weekends take priority!

Yes.. That would be the reason I have not posted yet... And Football Started!!! :)

We had a wonderful weekend full of fun, friends and tons of food... Feel like I need to go on a diet now... :)

4 Books...
I'm not the best at sitting still and reading for long periods of time but these are ones on my list to read next...

1. Redeeming Love

2. The Help

3. Heaven is for Real

4. Good Night Moon -- Ok, I've read this a million times to Cole but I love reading it to him!!

3 Films...

I'm not the biggest movie critic or watcher.. Normally its action stuff the hubs wants to watch.. But these 3 movies are a few of my favorite... Nothing special! :)

1. Steel Magnolias -- "Pink is my signature color.. " Love that movie! :)

2. Cars -- One of my favorite animated movies!

3. Sweet Home Alabama -- I could watch this over and over!

2 Songs...

1. "Then" by Brad Paisley -- Brings me back to my wedding day!! :)

2. "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts -- Makes me think of Cole and everything I hope for him! :)

1 Picture...

This is my favorite picture of the weekend.. He was cheesing to the camera and as soon as hubs snapped the picture he looked at me.. I don't usually get many good pictures with Cole b/c I am normally the one taking them.. Even though he is not looking at the camera, I still think its sweet! :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!!

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