Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Patience People...

My apologies for being a slacker blogger lately.. Obviously with a newborn, things are a little hectic around here.. And to added to that, Breast Feeding is not going the greatest!! Yes, I expected it to be hard, but not this hard... Little Cole basically refuses to latch on... I have been working to the closes thing to Lactation Specialist that middle of nowhere, Tx has to offer.. So when Cole does not latch one, I am using different alternatives to a bottle to feeding him.. Like cup feeding.. Bet you did not know that an infant can sip from a cup, did you?? I have proof!!

Please pray that Cole catches on to this whole Breast Feeding thing.. And that I don't absolutely give in and give him a bottle... Like I sooo badly want to do.. But I know I am doing the right thing and he is eating regardless!!

Enjoy this picture!! I'll continue to update when I can!!!

I am soo in love with this little guy... :)

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I've gotta say, that picture of him is just precious! I'm keeping you and lil Cole in my prayers - praying he'll figure it out soon :)

  2. Hey it's Tina! I had problems with Abi latching on and it turned into a nightmare for me! Keep doing it it will get better! If all else fails you can just pump and feed him a least he is still getting breast milk! I was just reading an article not five minutes ago about a mom who pumped for 11 months cuz he baby wouldn't latch on and she was very happy with it! Just keep trying! :)
