Wednesday, March 10, 2010

21 weeks and US Pictures

So Hubs finally felt Peanut kick!! I was soo excited!! He actually was patient enough to sit there and keep his hand on my tummy.. But what is funny was that I kept feeling the kicks and Hubs didn't say anything... Finally I said, Did you feel that... He was like... "Ohh.. Thats it?? I thought it was your pulse!!" Hahah!! At first I thought that was strange.. But then friend wanted to feel him kick and pretty much the same thing played out... So I had to give Hubs some credit!! :)

Still trying to get the registry done... Uhhh!! Its taking me forever!!

Now that we know for sure that Peanut is a boy.. I am on to deciding stuff for the nursery.. Which if you know me.. It will probably take me forever!! I want something sophisticated, not themed!! Let the search begin...

Finally have some pictures!!! Check out the bottom!

* How far along?: 21 weeks, 1 day
* Total weight gain: 2 lbs.. I've lost weight... uhhh...
* How big is baby?: From head to rump roughly 6inches
* Sex: A boy!!
* Maternity clothes?: Got some belle bands so hopefully I wont have to buy new pants.. But definitely getting into the shirts!
* Stretch marks?: Nope, staying lathered up!
* Sleep?: Some nights are better than others..
* Best moment this week?: Having Hubs feel Peanut kick!
* Movement?: Definitely feeling him more and more, but not completely regularly.
* Food cravings?: Nothing specific this week..
* Labor signs?: No way!
* Belly button in or out?: Inny! But starting to get shallower...
* What I miss: Sleeping through the night
* What I'm looking forward to: Picking out nursery stuff
* Milestone: Confirming Peanut is a BOY!!

I think I may have grown a little bit... Maybe?

Can you see his arm and fingers?? According to the doctor, he has long arms already.. Thinking we're going to have a big boy!

Peanut's semi profile.. He was down by my right hip, looking backwards..

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!

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